Treatment Perspectives™ Key Account Messaging

Programmatic content that reaches specialty-relevant HCPs at their point of practice (key accounts) using a blend of active and historical search data and unified identifiers. Applicable when location is known but other means of contact are not available or practical.

Treatment Perspectives™ Key Account Messaging

What is it?

The Treatment Perspectives Key Account Messaging (KAM) solution delivers targeted messages to specialty-relevant HCPs at their point of practice (key accounts) using an innovative blend of active and historical search AND unified identifiers.

When to use

  • Difficulty accessing specialty-relevant HCPs at key accounts
  • Need to increase share of voice and brand awareness due to low awareness and recall

Reasons to believe


Monthly HCP-level data provide the sales force with insights on the next best action for key accounts.

Metrics and proof points


increase in relevant brand website traffic


average of key accounts reached


average of key accounts' frequency of destination traffic increased

How is it delivered?

Key accounts are matched and their IP addresses activated via Relevate’s ElevatedRelevance platform in a Treatment Perspectives KAM campaign. All web traffic originating from the targeted IP addresses is followed, and those that meet the profile based on either active and historical search behavior and/or unified ID are served campaign messages (digital display) using a network of accessible endemic and nonendemic sites. Conversion results in targets being redirected to a designated campaign site.

Nonpersonal Drivers

  • Digital display

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