
Why are so many KOL videos so boring?

Client Services

June 4, 2024

Bob Demello

VP, Creative Director, Video 

I get this question more than any other: “How can we make KOL videos more relevant to viewers in the Pharma industry?” Yep, all the time. The answer is not an easy one; many factors play into a KOL video's success. I like to start by asking about goals: what is the goal of the video? Is it to inform? To shape opinion? Build trust? Or a combination of these factors? It’s often all of them.

Key Opinion Leader (KOL) videos play a crucial role in shaping perceptions and decisions within the pharmaceutical industry. These videos typically feature experts, such as doctors, researchers, or healthcare professionals, sharing their insights, reviews, and recommendations regarding various pharmaceutical products, treatments, or medical advancements.

So, KOL videos are important to the Pharma industry. Got it! But why are so many of them boring or just downright bad? Most people instantly say the content. No! It’s not the content, folks. It might be boring to a regular Joe like you or me, but this is content for health care providers, and they hold KOL video content in high regard due to its authoritative nature and the valuable insights provided by renowned experts in the medical field.

Perhaps it’s not the content but how it’s presented. KOL videos are presented in two ways: scripted or extemporaneous (unscripted). There isn't a specific percentage breakdown readily available for the proportion of scripted versus extemporaneous KOL videos in the pharmaceutical industry or in general.

However, some general observations can be made:

  1. Scripted videos are often preferred in formal settings such as promotional videos, educational modules, or content to deliver specific messages aligned with regulatory guidelines and brand positioning. These videos ensure accuracy, clarity of information, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  2. Extemporaneous videos are more common in informal settings such as webinars, live panel discussions, or interviews where spontaneity and real-time interaction are valued. These formats allow for more dynamic and engaging discussions with KOLs, fostering audience interaction and immediate responses to questions or comments.

After shooting hundreds of KOL videos, most scripted, one thing always stood out. Often, during teleprompter reads, we would see the real HCP and their passion in between takes, only to have that personality stifled when the cameras were on, and they needed to “stay on script.”

The main reason KOL videos feel boring is because HCPs are not professional “on-camera" talent. They are experts; the best way to hone their expertise is to have open and honest discussions. Therefore, unscripted video translates to more authentic content—content that delivers with passion and relevance. When producing a scripted KOL video, the content will be either read or memorized; with the amount of data associated with this type of video, reading is more commonly used. So, to produce a KOL scripted video requires the KOL to read a teleprompter. Why is this important? HCPs are smart in medicine and can discuss the subject with passion and recall data points on the fly, but that doesn't translate into being a good reader or performer in front of a camera. These intangibles are important to note when discussing scripted versus unscripted and are often overlooked when KOL videos are at the beginning of development.

Ok. So, how do we ensure accuracy, clarity of content, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements in an extemporaneous KOL video? Let’s grab the best of each format. From scripting to ensuring accuracy and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. From extemporaneous, allowing for more dynamic and engaging discussions. Now, we have improved video output. Next, add what Relevate brings to the table:

  1. Relevate’s content experts and medical team can moderate and guide discussions with HCPs to build HCPs’ confidence throughout the shoot and get the most impactful answers.
  2. Relevate includes the brand and regulations in every recording to avoid misleading statements or unsubstantiated claims, adhere to evidence-based practices and guidelines, and ensure messaging stays on-brand.
  3. Finally, adding a Relevate video producer for every shoot to help:
    1. Build trust— what we believe is the most important part of any KOL shoot. Again, HCPs are not professional “on-camera" talent. They are nervous. They don’t want to look bad or sound dumb, and they need the reassurance and “trust” that the team assembled has those interests in mind during production. This process starts when the HCP arrives. Our team prioritizes creating a safe space that understands and accepts the good, bad and ugly of a performance and guides HCPs towards their best possible production.
    2. Direct the shoot and control the communication between the different teams present.
    3. Coach the participant on delivery, pace, eye movement, posture and general performance.Ensure the quality of the shoot is consistent according to video and audio standards.

What does this add up to? A successful KOL video! How does this improve on most KOL videos in the Pharma industry today?

  1. Authenticity: Extemporaneous videos often feel more genuine and authentic because they capture the speaker's natural speaking style and personality. This authenticity can resonate more with viewers, enhancing engagement and trust.
  2. Flexibility and Adaptability: Speakers in a video like this can adapt their content in real time based on audience reactions, questions, or current events. This flexibility allows for more dynamic and responsive communication.
  3. Natural Flow and Conversational Tone: Without the constraints of a script, speakers can maintain a natural flow and conversational tone, which can be more engaging and easier for viewers to follow.
  4. Connection with Audience: Unscripted videos often foster a stronger connection with the audience because they feel more like a direct conversation rather than a formal presentation. This personal connection enhances viewer retention and impact.
  5. Adaptation to Changes: The nature of this type of video allows for on-the-spot changes as the HCP, the brand, Regulatory and the Relevate content team, medical team, and producers are all there to discuss answers and get the most impactful content recorded.

While scripted videos offer structure and precision, extemporaneous content can provide a more dynamic and personalized viewer experience, fostering deeper connections and enhancing the educational or informative value of the content. The result is a more compelling video that will entertain even a regular Joe like me.