
Your Story Matters. How You Tell It Matters More.


April 9, 2024

Veronika Dufour

Associate Creative Director, Copy

Everyone has a story to tell. While every story is different, some people tend to be better storytellers than others. What makes them better? Maybe they’re naturals. Maybe they took a course. Maybe they know how to engage their audience. If the key to great storytelling boils down to the quality of engagement, how can we become better storytellers? Whether you’re telling a personal story or a brand story, it’s important to ask:

  • What story do I want to tell?
  • Is the story keeping their attention?
  • Is there part of the story they can take away with them?

No matter what kind of story you tell, here are a few things to keep in mind as you get started.

  1. Choose a clear central message. What’s the main idea? Whether you choose to tell a story that’s informative, promotional, dramatic, or a funny, decide on the core message first.
  2. Embrace conflict. Compelling plots are built on conflict, so embrace it. Without conflict, there’s no payoff. Great storiesdon’t exist because everything is working out all the time. What is the problem and how will you solve it?
  3. Have a clear structure. Simply put, a story must have a beginning, middle, and end. Start off with an inciting thought or incident, build with rising action, and ultimately land on a satisfying resolution.
  4. Know your audience. To connect and engage with your audience, you need to know who you’re talking to. I could tell the best story about the latest groundbreaking innovations in the tech space, but if my audience only cares about cupcakes, I’ve already lost them.
  5. Make it evocative. Stories that don’t evoke an emotional response are pretty lifeless. Have you ever had someone tell you a story that sounded like a to-do list? No core message. No build. No emotional response. No thanks. On the other hand, a story could be about nothing, but it’s delivered with enthusiasm, intensity, and insight. A story about nothing that can pack a punch? Gold star.
  6. Keep it focused. Including every detail can lead to overkill. Don’t overwhelm your audience with unnecessary backstory or tangential plot points. Stay focused on the core message and trim where you can.

These aren’t groundbreaking insights. More so, they are a few basic tips about how to tell a better story. Whether it’s marketing or a conversation with friends, ask yourself, is the story relevant and engaging? Or does it have a to-do list kind of vibe?