
This solution builds relationships between field force representatives and HCPs by encouraging the co-development of patient education videos and print materials starring the HCP. It provides the rep with multiple in-person engagement points during development and fulfillment.


What is it?

MyDoc Personalized Patient Education allows HCPs to star in a patient education video and print magazine. Materials featuring patient education about the condition and recommended treatment are co-developed with the treatment team and coordinated by the field force representative. The video is combined with 3D animation and graphics for the HCP to tell the brand story and educate their patients on why they have recommended the brand as the treatment of choice.

When to use

  • Clinicians often do not have ample time to spend with their patients, and their patients/caregivers fail to remember up to 80% of the clinician’s counsel following diagnosis
  • With 46% of HCPs restricting access, field force representatives are having difficulty getting quality time with their target HCPs
  • Brands are having difficulty with top-of-mind awareness among key practices
  • HCPs are not as well versed on brand benefits as they could be
  • Brands are concerned about being outpaced by competitors

Reasons to believe


Office of Inspector General (OIG) and Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) compliant for ease of medical, legal, and regulatory review.


Patient education focus and absence of honoraria mean Sunshine Act reporting is unnecessary.


Creates enduring patient education materials for the clinician and care team to share to help improve outcomes (eg, adherence).

Metrics and proof points


Average ROI in Year 1

How is it delivered?

Reps enroll HCPs and a professional production team ensures ease of filming. The program is anchored by an in-office video and print display that directs patients to a microsite.

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