Treatment Perspectives™ EHR Financial Savings

Provide HCPs and PharmDs with an omnichannel engagement program to enroll patients in your copay, savings, or financial assistance savings triggered from the point of care in the EHR.

What is it?

When an HCP searches their EHR for your product, they are notified of the associated financial savings program and an engagement program is triggered across multiple touchpoints to alleviate the financial burden. The savings program is automatically sent to the patient’s pharmacy with their prescription, and a printed copy is provided to the patient in their post-visit paperwork. For pharmacies in our network, the patient receives a text message regarding the financial savings information with their prescription and the pharmacist is notified of the financial savings program at the point of sale.

When to use

  • Accessibility: Help HCPs access financial savings more conveniently within their EHR workflow.
  • Alleviating the Financial Burden: Ensure patients can afford their medications without interruption.
  • Broader Distribution: Use with covered space/white space/no-see HCPs/Health Systems with access challenges.
  • Enrollment Tracking: Ensure tracking of the prescribing physician and the monthly pharmacy fills/enrollments.

Reasons to believe


of HCPs find vouchers and coupons very helpful.


of HCPs find patient assistance very helpful.

Business rules

drive the right message to the right HCP at the appropriate time in the EHR workflow.

*variation based on specialty

Metrics and proof points


Guaranteed patient enrollments into financial savings programs that include digital signatures submitted via fax/e-fax.


Weekly physician-level data for copay ID distributions by NPI.


Monthly pharmacy-level fills and enrollments with unadjudicated claims data.

How is it delivered?

Financial messages are delivered through the Treatment Perspectives EHR and through Pharmacy and Specialty Pharmacy Networks.

Nonpersonal Drivers

  • EHR content

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